
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

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Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

Do you care for someone aged 0-25 years of age who has Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)?

The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council or (WPCC) is an independent organisation managed and run by parent carers, for parent carers.  They have a membership of approximately 2,500 parent carers across Wiltshire whose children range in age (0—25 years) and in the type of special educational needs and/or disabilities they have.

I met Elaine from the WPCC at a special educational needs meeting in Chippenham last year.  She was extremely knowledgeable regarding the provision for children and young people with problems, and very enthusiastic about what her organisation could do to help them.

If you are worried about a child or young person with a disability, why not contact her or Sharon and see if they can give you any help or advice to point you in the right direction?

Don’t forget this organisation is independent!  I am fully aware that sometimes parents or carers have worked with schools and other organisations and received little help.  Often this isn’t the school’s fault because it takes such a long time to get a child with difficulties assessed.

These assessments usually involve many different specialists, and in some cases, can take up to three years to get a child evaluated.

Often parents in these situations, just need some type of reassurance then and there; and to point them in the right direction to get further help.

This group also hold seats on important trust boards and strategic groups, including the Children & Young People’s Trust Stakeholder Partnership Board, Trust Disability & SEN Group, Learning Disabilities Partnership Board, Early Years SEN Strategy Group and Autism Partnership Board.

So, if you are having problems, and live in the Wiltshire area, and don’t know which way to turn, contact, Elaine or Sharon;

Tel:  01225 764647




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