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Review by the Dyslexia Shop
‘Dyslexia and Alternative Therapies Book’ Review
Review by: ‘The Dyslexia Shop’
This Book comprehensively documents every alternative therapy that proposes a benefit to people with dyslexia. The therapies covered range from almost mainstream to the outer reaches of “new age” thinking. The author explains simply what each therapy consists of, who it might benefit, and presents the scientific (or pseudo-scientific) theoretical justification for each. Where there is supporting evidence of efficacy, e.g. positive results from clinical trials, these are referenced.
This is a useful aggregation of information in an accessible, structured format. For dyslexia tutor/counsellors in particular, it will provide useful background reading in anticipation of client requests for an opinion on the value of a particular alternative therapy. However, by replaying the “sales pitch” for each therapy without critical comment, the author leaves it entirely to the reader to judge for themselves the credibility, cost-benefit, and possible health risks of the various therapies presented. The Dyslexia Shop would endorse very few of the therapies described in this book.The Dyslexia Shop
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