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Rory Bremner – ADHD and Me
Rory Bremner – ADHD and Me.
How attitudes have changed in the two decades since Rory Bremner’s ADHD was first recognised.
Comedian Rory Bremner has found success in his ability to switch between impersonating many different people. But behind this comic persona is a man who struggles to focus, loses the thread and takes on too many tasks that can leave his personal and professional life in disarray. Rory had always put his chaotic lifestyle down to his personality.
However, after a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, within his family, Rory has realised he too may have the condition. For this documentary, Rory goes on a personal journey to discover how this situation affects adults, how attitudes have changed in the two decades since ADHD was first recognised, and how we can support the next generation of sufferers to cope with this potentially devastating condition.
Producer: Lisa Needham
A Somethin’ Else production for BBC Radio 4.
Listen here BBC Radio 4