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This Young Girl Certainly isn’t Dyspraxic!

Are you Dyspraxic? This young girl certainly isn’t.
I saw this girl, who was about eight years old, at Swindon Hospital a while ago; she managed this challenging game simultaneously with both hands. I couldn’t believe how she could do this and she could do them so fast.
I asked her and her parent if they minded me taking a photograph, and they were happy to show other children that you can do these things with just a little (or a lot, in my case) practice.
What is Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia is often called ‘Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)’. However, at the moment, on this site, and to make it easier, we will still use the term Dyspraxia.
Dyspraxia (DCD) is a Specific Disability affecting muscle control – fine & gross motor skills. Poor muscle control, especially in hands and fingers, leads to problems with literacy and numeracy.
Dyspraxia (DCD) is often associated with dyslexia.
Further information can be found on my website: Dyslexia A2Z.